Eesti keeles


October 2013

Philip Bloom

Philip Bloom is a world-renowned filmmaker who, for the past 7 years of his 24-year career has specialised in creating incredible film-like images with low budget video. His most iconic work is created with Canon DSLRs.

As one of the biggest evangelists for DSLR use in productions his website became the place to go to for budding filmmakers as well as experienced ones keen to embrace the new technology. His site now regularly has over 1,000,000 visitors a month.

Currently Philip is working on various documentary and fiction projects and much more besides. He is constantly stretching his creative abilities whilst still taking time to keep his website relevant and touring the world teaching young and old filmmakers better techniques. Not just through technology but through better storytelling skills. His workshops have been an enormous success around the world and he will continue to run them for as long as possible as learning never stops!