Business Solutions / Print & Copy Solutions / Manage Your Print & Copy Work-flow – for Small Businesses

For years there has been talk about the importance of colors in daily business communication. Until recently the colors tended to cease a moment after pressing the Print-button however. The devices of the new generation make the world of colors easily accessible to small and medium businesses a like. Printing in color is now a simple and convenient task.

It should not be forgotten however, that color output is still somewhat more costly than regular B&W printing. Of course the reasonable solution is not to disable access to color printing, but monitor this activity. If colors have been used for better efficiency and better servicing of the customer, then the added cost is of course well-founded.

Overall has a flexible management solution available for all multifunctional color devices we offer. The software is based in the device and can generate reports according to users and used services. This makes it possible to insure, that the color device is really used for better serving the business goals.

Print & Copy Solutions

Manage Your Print & Copy Devices – for Enterprises
Manage Your Print & Copy Work-flow – for Small Businesses